I hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and happily celebrated the middle festival of Labormasweensgiving, a.k.a., Halloween.
Later today, if time permits (or later this week if I get around to it) I hope to post a review of The Walking Dead premier from last night. In short, it was pretty terrific. It took me about thirty minutes to get over the fact that it wasn't a verbatim panel-for-panel recreation of the comic, as Watchmen was. After that, it was all good.
Also from this weekend, there are great links flying around everywhere with some of the best signs (Please note that each of those words is a separate link, and those links were just the first ones from my Google search, so there were lots of good ones.) from Jon Stewart's and Steven Colbert's Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear, which, like TWD, is really not to be missed. It's pure entertainment, with a dash of "why can't we all just get along."
In even older news, this picture has been making its way around the internet like wildfire...because it's hot...because it's a picture of the sun...alright, c'mon, it's Monday!
Spider-Man has made his way to Broadway, but the friendly neighborhood web-slinger is having a more-dangerous-than-anticipated transition to the stage. Don't ever let anyone tell you there aren't heroes in theater. Hat-tip to Linda Holmes@Monkey See.
Do you ever think, "Gosh, I love shopping carts, and I love bikes. I just wish I could ride a shopping cart like a bike." Well, this one's for you.
If you're like me, then one of the most visible and memorable stage props of the 80s was Michael Jackson's glitzy glove. It was exotic and somehow reminiscent of Luke Skywalker's gloved cybernetic hand. It was so cool that you could never possibly own one yourself. Because you were not Michael Jackson. And now you get one free with the purchase of the Wii version of "Michael Jackson: The Experience." My eight-year-old self is not happy with this.
And, finally, what would the beginning of the month be without it also being the beginning of "A month to honor/support/participate in ______". Now, don't get me wrong. I wholeheartedly endorse these months. (In fact, I wish there were more months just so we could do more of this kind of thing. Because, you know, eventually, everyone will be doing/supporting three different things at once, and it will be utterly confusing.) But until that time, I encourage you to consider participating in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo.
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